Dan Goods - design at NASA, life's throughlines of wonder, and the museum of awe

Dan Goods is a leader among the community of creatives at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, so he's an imaginer among imaginers. A creator among creators. He's one of the most innovative minds I've come across, and someone who embodies selflessness and that most wonderful and contagious quality that is an insatiable curiosity.

For the past 18 years, Dan has been NASA JPL's visual strategist. That role didn't exist before he proposed it during a happenstance meeting with the then director of the lab. He was given six-months as a trial period. That was 18 years ago and over that time he has made design, and more importantly awe, an inextricable part of what JPL and NASA do.

Each day, Dan leads a team of creatives, called The Studio, at JPL in transforming complex concepts into meaningful stories that can be universally understood. Their extraordinary work can be found in public spaces, art museums, and in outer space.

Along the way, he has been recognized with NASA’s Exceptional Public Service Award, declared one of LA's most interesting people, and delivered a moving TED talk describing his "Museum of Awe."

Dan graduated valedictorian from the graphic design program at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California.

Dan is in the business of "reminding people of the gift and privilege of being alive" and I can think of no more important message now and no more perfect a person to deliver it.

Ryan McGranaghan