Episode 06: Chris Mattmann - NASA's data scientist

Chris Mattmann, NASA's Principal Data Scientist and general technology and software guru, shares insights from a life devoted to innovation and the implications for each of us.

Chris Mattmann wears a dizzying number of hats: from Principal Data Scientist (the first ever) at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory to a professor at the University of Southern California and Director of the Information Retrieval and Data Science Group (IRDS) there, to a board member, treasurer, and active contributor to the pioneering open source community, Apache. Chances are if there is something going on in the tech community, Chris is somehow involved. 

At NASA he applies these skills and his unique ability to see what’s coming next to infuse the technologies that NASA needs to push the frontiers of humanity. Chris is a true visionary and pioneer.

To me, Chris has been a profound mentor and a friend. During the two wonderful years that I spent at JPL, Chris consistently exposed me to the ’new’ and the ’novel’, giving me a glimpse into his unique way of seeing the world. Every time he and I talk, I come away completely saturated with ideas, bursting with energy, and in awe of his insight. 

Show Notes:

Ryan McGranaghan